When I was growing up, I had great Aunts. I don’t mean “Great Aunts,” I mean FANTASTIC Aunts. I loved my Aunts and I looked up to them for many different reasons. They were fun. They took me fun places. I spent the night at their houses, they spoiled me, but mostly they loved me. I knew I was loved when I was with my Aunts. They baked with me, camped with me, took me shopping, took me to girls camp, played with me, taught me things, I have so many great memories when I think about my Aunts. I still love being with my Aunts, I still get spoiled, and they are still there for me, as an adult, for advice, to chit chat, or a shoulder to cry on.
This weekend I spent my days spoiling some of my nieces and nephews. If you want to get technical, these are Michaels GRAND nieces and nephews, but who wants to get technical, when we are talking about FUN. All weekend, “Auntie Ronda, Auntie, Ronda, Auntie Ronda……”
Our niece Sarah brought her family camping here for the weekend with her husband, even though Zoey and Michael were out of town. It was so great to have some one on one with Sarah, we never have gotten to have that before Friday. I love being Sarah’s Aunt Ronda too. Guiding her, mentoring her, helping her with all the babies, reminding her that I am 20 years senior to her. Meicah was surprised to find out that Sarah was his cousin! They even found one on one time to play. After the kids went bed she played video games with Meicah and even played with some “Floof.” I am so proud of her, she has no idea. Having her own small family, 3 kids, her husband and her were faced with the choice of taking in her sisters 2 babies. Sarah went from a family of 5 to 7 overnight, at times it is overwhelming, and always exhausting. This weekend, it was just fun! (Well we are all exhausted too….) We laughed, we played, I SPOILED, and although they left exhausted, it was exhausted from too much fun!!

I just want to spoil them, and let them know they are loved. That’s what I get the most about being an Aunt or Grand Aunt to the littles. I took Meicah, Brooke, and Issac to the toy store, they all had a limit. We of course walked around the block in town, and then a quick stop at the dollar store for “slime.” Meicah and Brooke made homemade slime and played with it for hours. We played for too many hours at the beach, made race tracks, dodged waves, and played sled, I even had to get my wetsuit on because Uncle Michael wasn’t here. We heard Bridget say “where Zoey, where Zoey is?” over and over again. We fed farm animals and played outside until we couldn’t play anymore. We played hair salon, and even colored Brookes hair. We had a blast. My cup is filled up. I think we are all going to sleep good tonight. I know I am. I will drift off to sleep with a smile on my face, dreaming of all the fun we had.
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