The Kitchen Table


We have always gathered at the table for dinners every night. It is something we take pride in; we believe it sitting down together for dinner. I am the cook most nights, although Michael helps with the BBQ, and doesn’t mind making a meal now and then. It’s a chore that I don’t love- planning for dinners each night, grocery shopping, preparing meal…not my favorite. But our dinner time, we love that.

This is the time we check in with each other. We discover how the kid’s day was at school. We brainstorm problems. We discover what challenges the kids may be facing at school, and guide them into solving them. It’s where dreams and disappointments are shared. We thought we had it all right around the table.

Dinner was pretty much all our table was used for. You see, our house is tiny. (996 sq feet to be exact) The table was kind of tucked back behind the living room couch. This made the living room tiny, and the “dining room” crowded. It was only suitable for eating.

We were hosting a large gathering so to open the room up a bit, we moved the table to the center of the room. It looked awkward, it looked out of place, but it worked for our gathering. The table didn’t feel right there, but it made room for the guests who would be arriving.

Something amazing happened when we made the table the centerpiece of our space- it became the centerpiece of our life. The kids brought games out to play. My husband and I enjoyed our morning coffee together. It made homework time easier. This also opened our living space up to become a wrestling ring, morning stretching place, a cuddle with a blanket reading place.

They say life happens at the kitchen table. I am so happy I flowed through the awkward stages of having the table in the middle of the room. At first it didn’t feel right. But as I watched my family gather, play, and enjoy each other around the table I began to fall in love. The table should be the centerpiece of your space, so it becomes the centerpiece of life.

In closing on this journey I have discovered- Tiny spaces bring families together. Life happens around the table.

The Farmers Wife




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